Great gift for that business person in your life
Find the perfect clients for your business
Ever find yourself working with an unfair, unreasonable and
impossible to please customer or client?
Are there certain people you wished you’d said “no” to, but thought
you HAD to say “yes?”
Well those days are over
It's The Other Guy is about spotting those Red Flag customers early so
you don't have to pull your hair out working with them!
You’ll see who the good guys are, the clients you’ll love.
You’ll be able to recognize the customers who will make you and
your staff glad you said “yes” to working with them.
It’s the Other Guy will show you how to Say Goodbye to Bad Clients,
Hello to Bigger Profits and a Better Life!

It’s The Other Guy brewed inside me for forty years as I built my Inc. 5000 business.
I wondered why some client projects were successful, enjoyable and rewarding, while others were overrun by problems, bad feelings and lower profits.
If you've ever been tempted to blame yourself for jobs that turned sideways, I say, “it’s not you, It's The Other Guy!”
I will show you how to spot a “Red Flag” prospect and how to build a business that is a joy to run.
Don’t let the red flags drag down your success. I will show you how to choose your clients instead of accepting just anyone who comes your way.

Heading home after a great day at work when you've chosen the clients you want to work with
"Praise for It’s The Other Guy “
"Mitch Cantor’s concept of personal relationships with your customers, along with the willingness to actually turn down work if it’s not the right “fit” is sage advice for anyone launching or running any kind of business. I can now better understand how Mitch had such an outstanding run with his company. There’s much to be learned here!”
– "Rick Chudacoff " (Grammy Nominated Songwriter & Music Producer)
"I wish I read this book 38 years ago when I opened my business. Read this book and find out why you don’t want or need every customer.”
– "Bob Savarese", Founder and past President (Music Trends)
"It’s The Other Guy is an easy and compelling read. Anyone who runs a company, manages a company or is self- employed, should consider this book a ‘road map’ to their business career."
– "Jeff Mogil", CEO (Mogil Organization)
"Mitch puts into focus the importance of surrounding yourself with the right clients. After reading “It’s The Other Guy” I no longer have to guess who my clients are, and those I want to stay clear of."
- "Steven Metz", President (Central Jersey Pools)
"Mitch Cantor does an excellent job breaking down the complexities of customer interaction in an easy to read entertaining format that is sure to help your bottom line and overall well being"
- "Peter Lifrieri", Market Research and Product Development
"I wish I had a book like this 25 years ago when I started my construction business. I struggled with so many of the issues Mitch sheds light on. His experience and knowledge will help you if you're looking to avoid common problems when you're creating and growing your business. into a success."
- "Rick Riis", President (Riis Contracting)
"I met Mitch quite a few years ago as one of my customers in my construction, property management business, Always a pleasure to work for as he became an awesome friend. MITCH IS THE REAL THING !"
- "Tom Loucks", President (Loucks Property Management)
"This book is full of great tips on how to understand your customers and run your business, no matter the size! As a small business owner that provides UX and copywriting services, I was able to apply Mitch's tips to my own business, even though the book is based on his first hand experience running his multi-million dollar pool business. Some of my main takeaways include: Who you choose to work with is as important as how you run your business, the $100 Close Strategy for sales, and the 3 R’s: Rapport, Reputation, and Referrals.⠀
Highly recommend reading this short book!"
- "Emily Cleary", CEO (emilycleary.co)
"This book contains a topic so many (all??) small business owners could benefit from: avoiding the pitfall of unreasonable customers who make your life difficult and suck up your time... Written in an enjoyable and personal tone. Recommended."
- "Andrea Schmidt", CEO (A-Schmidt Media)
"I just began reading this book and already feel very motivated as an entrepreneur. This book maintains a great balance of useful knowledge in the business world as well real examples from other professionals on their road to success. I highly recommend it!"
-"Evan F.", Entrepreneur
Table of Contents
1. The Most Important Question
2. It's Not You
3. The Thing No One Is Talking about
4. Rapport
5. The Elite
6. Fair and Flexible
7. The Red Flag
8. Referrals
9. Getting Personal
10. Felix Unger On The Job
11. The $100 Close
12. Taking Charge Of The Experience
13. Go The Extra Mile and Charge What You're Worth
Sample Pages
It's Not You
About twenty years ago I was building a pool for the Brills in Bellmore. They lived on a curving road so you couldn’t see their house until just before you turned down the street. Before I started the job, I had a twenty-yard dumpster delivered to the curb in front of the house. The dumpster had reflectors on it, and in my opinion wasn’t in a dangerous location, but the Brills were worried that someone wouldn’t see it in the evening and would drive into it.
I was just starting to build a relationship with them so fluffing off their concern wasn’t an option. Assuring the homeowner nothing bad would happen wasn’t enough. I had to get creative. It was December and getting dark by 5:00pm. So, I picked up a few boxes of Christmas lights and I strung them on the dumpster. Once it was lit up, no driver could possibly miss it. Now the neighborhood had some holiday cheer and the Brills’ safety concerns were handled. They were ecstatic and I’d powerfully turned a worry into a positive at a very low cost to me. Most important, I showed my customers how I would deal with any future issues: I’d take them seriously, and I’d be creative. Their confidence in me went through the roof. Over the years many of my best referrals came from this family.
The dumpster was my version of turning lemons into lemonade. You can find dumpster ideas of your own – ways you can turn a potential disaster into loyalty and referrals for your business. Embrace your problems because they can become very positive experiences for you and your clients. With one big caveat.
It’s Not You, It’s the Other Guy
I realized that finding creative answers to the smallest issues was the way to build a more rewarding relationship with my customers. In fact, early on I started to look for small concerns I could handle to show my attention to detail, and my desire to be the best in the business. I taught my employees the same thing: that everything matters, no matter how insignificant it seemed. But, over time I discovered that even this level of commitment to customer satisfaction could only go so far. The Brills loved the dumpster solution but not everybody would have. In fact, some people might even have been offended. Eventually it dawned on me: even my best, most creative efforts to add safety, value, and satisfaction to the job only mattered to the “right” customer. This is why I can tell you, if you’re not working with the right people, all your efforts are for nothing.
You’ve probably been told a thousand times that you have to beat the competition, innovate, develop a platform. You probably think you need more training, better staff, and better marketing. I’m here to say you may not need any of those things. In fact, if you’ve been struggling, it may not be your fault – and there’s nothing to change except for one small, very significant thing, which you can do immediately. Put this into practice and watch what happens to your business and your life.
That universal WHO is the focus of this book. Since I didn’t want to overload you with swimming pool examples, I reached out to friends who are in business for themselves. They’ve given me permission to share their experiences with the clients they’ve come across over the years. I am sure between all of us, you’ll see some of your own clients in our stories. We can help you map your way out and around the people who don’t contribute to your success, but who drag you down instead.
Advice for the Sale and Beyond
I evaluated every job, whether it was installing a pool or signing a service contract or even the one-off emergency response requests with one guiding question was: would this customer contribute to my success and overall happiness, or would they be a drain on me, my staff, and my resources? The answer was crucial to all aspects of my business and the same is true for you. It’s a long view, but if you take it, you’ll see an improvement in your business right now and over time.
Naturally, in any business, the offer and negotiation are key. Without the sale, you’re out of business. But whether you price the job too high, too low, or just right, if it’s the wrong customer you cannot win. If you agree to work with difficult people who are only concerned about the money they’ve spent, they will be back in your office or showroom with a thousand complaints or you’ll be running back to their house time and time again to fix many (often imaginary) problems. If you opt to sign a nitpicker, any little glitch along the way, whether it’s a delay or something that doesn’t meet their expectations, will have you jumping. That’s stressful for your team and for you. But even worse, in the end, you will find yourself losing money and adding aggravation. So, more important than the sales price, your work ethic, and your careful attention to detail, there is one thing that can make or break you: the customer you choose to work with.
I wanted to work with a certain type of customer because I knew I’d be interacting with them for months and even years, since in addition to new pool installations, we offered all services, including upkeep and emergency visits as well. Making a mistake at the time of the sale or enrollment can make you miserable for a good, long time.
A friend of mine, Rick, is a contractor who was referred to Catalina, who wanted an extensive renovation of her kitchen and living area. It was the kind of project that involved numerous subcontractors, inevitable wait-times for things like granite counters, custom cabinetry, and the like. Rick would be in and out of Catalina’s home for a long time. She had high standards, but Rick was used to meeting those. As the project wore on, however, Catalina went from demanding to impossible. By the end of the job she complained about everything, did research on YouTube so she could tell the plumber how it should be done, and stood over Rick, telling him exactly how many nails to use in her crown molding. She threw workers out of her house regularly. She made a nasty call to Rick at the end of many days. If you asked him, Rick would tell you that while he did make money, the job was not worth the aggravation.
The One Who Got Away
Have you ever had a lead you wished you’d let go? Anyone who became a customer you’d have been better off without? I’m going to bet that if you’ve been in business for any length of time, the answer is “yes,” and you probably first realized it in the middle of some sleepless night, when you couldn’t stop the angry or anxious thoughts racing around your head. That’s a symptom of a job you should’ve passed on.
You might be skeptical. Aren’t you supposed to make every sale you can? Isn’t everyone a potential customer, at least within your niche? What about when you’re starting out? Isn’t the frustration of a difficult customer worth it to build up your business? No. I learned to go into every sales call with the idea that there are sales I would be better off not making.
Another friend, Larry, who owns a construction company, gave me a prime example. From the moment Larry walked into this particular prospect’s home, he knew something was off. When he spoke with the woman and her son, his suspicion was confirmed. They told him how they’d just sued one contractor, thrown another off the job, and how a third walked away in the middle of the project. It wasn’t hard for Larry to walk away too and not even start the project.
Donna, a friend who is a coach, was looking to grow her practice and had a prospect she’d spoken to a number of times. Donna doubted whether they were a match but she didn’t think she could afford to turn down a client. But every call seemed to focus on overcoming sales resistance and negativity. In her gut, Donna knew working with this woman would be an uphill battle. She decided there was no joy in that kind of relationship and let go to make room for others who would be happy to invest in coaching with her.
In the end, I can’t convince you to pass up the customers who will make your life difficult, but I can prepare you for what you’re getting yourself into. After a while, you’ll see the wisdom in trimming your clientele to those who are going to give you satisfaction, healthy profit, and high morale among your team. In other words, you’ll come to appreciate that there are customers who make it worth your while, and others who will have a crushing impact on everything you do.

This could be your crew when you get rid of those Red Flag clients
I want you to enjoy answering your phone every day because you
love your clients!
I want you to work with people you know will treat you as fairly as
you will treat them.
Let your competition deal with those “Red Flag” clients.
You’ll gladly take the rest!
A Letter From A Friend
"Mitch, read your book. You define the term “Customer Service” in the way it should be executed. Not in the way most companies big, small and individuals serve their customers.
Wow, I do not know where to start. It is no wonder that you have had the success you’ve attained which is a direct result of your commitment to achievement through the highest degree of ethics, honesty and fulfilling the needs and wants of others before considering your own personal benefits.
At first, I wasn’t sure that your book would relate to my profession, as I was selling the benefits of reducing the financial and emotional stresses of your family because you are going to die. Not the benefits of a good time relaxing in your back yard and enjoying the fun for your kids, friends, and family. But I was wrong. So wrong. Remembering that people are motivated by either of two emotions, desire of gain or fear of loss.
The most powerful chapter in your book for me was chapter 8 – Referrals. If I had executed the principals you so effectively used (Because you are Mitch) in my insurance practice in the past 30 years I can’t imagine how that would have multiplied the success in my business. Not that my career has been unsuccessful, in 1997 I was working for a national corporation which had about 3,000 funeral homes and 1,000 cemeteries in the country and had the 6th highest sales production volume in the country out of 4,000 salespeople.
There are a couple of individuals in my industry that I’m going to send “It's The Other Guy”.
Thank you for writing the book and sharing the right way to succeed in business."
-"Joe Randall", Corporate Executive